ONE View Of World History
We know the
Neanderthals were replaced by Homo sapiens. It is thought that one of the big
differences between the two was the latter’s capacity to tell stories. With
that comes the ability to elaborate larger regimes, many supporting the ideas
of a leader to foster large projects like kingdoms.
tell us about the ancient regimes, in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. In the
latter we know about the Sumerian civilization leading to the Akkadian
(Assyrian and Babylonian) supremacy. The Pharaohs of Egypt ruled to the south.
When the
persecuted Jews bolted from Egypt, settling ultimately on both sides of the river
Jordan, they persisted as a minor ethnic entity at the pleasure of the giant
empires of the region. What distinguished them was their non-material monotheism
in a pagan world. Akhenaton of Egypt offered the Sun God to the Egyptians
during his reign, but this monotheism was buried at his death without a trace.
When the Assyrians dispersed the population of the separated northern kingdom
of Israel, the ten tribes vanished into the melting pot. Only Judah and
Benjamin remained in the southern kingdom of Judea, of the twelve tribes, to
carry on their message.
After King
David, King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem and ruled with
independence, Empires rose and fell, with Judea a vassal state of giant powers.
Babylon destroyed the first temple and exiled leadership, the nation was permitted
restoration by Cyrus of Persia and a new temple was built.
Much later
the Greeks ruled. Judea had a period of real independence after the Maccabee
revolt, before falling under the tutelage of Rome. During Roman rule, a
preacher with a substantial following, one we know of today under the name of
Jesus, challenged some of the traditional forms of Jewish religious worship .
Although his goals were religious, the Roman Administration under Pontius
Pilate saw him as a threat on a political level. He had him arrested and
followed has some mystery. Although the family claimed the corpse, his
followers reported that his body had disappeared, and that he had nevertheless
been seen alive. His followers claimed that he had ascended bodily to heaven.
The Jews,
unable, in the end, to tolerate pagan religious intrusion by Rome, went into
full revolt. The Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E., amid revolts over the next
sixty years, the majority of Jews were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire. (Some
remained in Jerusalem, and in the northern Galilee where religious leadership
resided, (through contact with diaspora rabbis,) after the Temple’s
Jesus’ Disciples,
and many Jews who followed their teachings, spread the Jesus story. One,
renamed Paul, abandoned the traditional path of Judaism. Following Jewish community
practices, religious study, regular daily worship, and child education, were onerous
for most under diaspora conditions. (This community structure enhanced their
ability to survive as a scattered nation in exile.) Paul offered supporters a
guaranteed path to salvation, an eternal afterlife, solely for accepting the
belief that Jesus had risen before ascending bodily to heaven.
followers, despairing of blanket Jewish adhesion, sought an offering more
appealing to potential pagan followers, particularly Romans. Jesus’ deification,
a God-inspired virgin birth declared, Saints and miracles, became the order of
the day. The organized Roman Catholic Church formulated a New Testament to
replace the Jewish bible, included the Gospel of St. Mathew, written some
hundred years after Jesus’ death, claiming Jewish responsibility for Jesus’
crucifixion from that of Rome. The demonization of Jews was effected for all
time. Three hundred years after Jesus’ passing, Rome adopted a modified version
of Judaism renamed Christianity.
followed more than 1500 years of persecution of Jews and their exclusion from
general society. Tolerated when and where their knowledge and abilities were
useful, Jews were seen universally as having committed the cardinal sin, killing
Christ, to be forever persecuted and punished for their adjudged collective
crime. A million were slaughtered in the Rhineland during a Crusade to free
Jerusalem, blamed for the Black Death plague, ghettoized , murderous pogroms
everywhere, excluded from the guilds, unable to own land, expelled from how
many countries. But billions around the world still follow the religious idea
that was born with them.
In our own
day, Jews were excluded from employments, and choice of residence, their
educational opportunities limited. It has been reported Church followers were active
in elements of the Holocaust. The Pope of the era said nothing about what was
happening before his eyes during the Hitler years.
Shall I now
recount the miracle of rebirth? Not without the expenditure of blood and
treasure. Israel, as always, is tiny among the Empires. As Jews around the
world, and through history, have contributed to humanity, out of all proportion
to their numbers, so Israel is counted among the mighty in so many fields, out
of all proportion to its population numbers.
With an Arab
party, many adherents sworn enemies, part of its recent government, it is a
stalwart of Democracy. Science and medicine, technology and defense,
agriculture and politics, new and better answers are being produced from this tiny
place every day. Jews in the world take heart and feel new strength in every
other country they inhabit, because of Israel.
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