Life As A Beautiful Story

Once upon a time there were humans on a planet called earth. They shared consciousness with only few mammal species that we know of, dolphins are one, as are those creatures in the ape family and related species. Killer whales make the grade. Surprisingly, only the European Magpie is the winner among the flying species, but I wonder about those canny crows? Earth teems with life, but consciousness seems to be a very limited commodity among living things according to those who are knowledgeable about these matters.

Consciousness has to do with an awareness of self. So a mouse and a bee are alive but do not seem to know and appreciate that. And the same seems to be true about chickens and cows, and even cats and dogs. Our children recognize their own images before they are two and have an awareness of self by the time they are three.

Being conscious means we are aware of ourselves as having a separate life. We can become aware of the beauty of life. Or its misery and ugliness! We all know the cost of war and pestilence, the pain of debilitating illness. Where there is life and pleasure, there is the potentiality for pain and death. I prefer to tell the positive story.

Today I came across an email presenting me with some of the performances of Enrico Caruso. I spent several hours digging for internet gifts of that artist’s performances. That led me to Maria Callas and Pavarotti. These are just samples of the audible joys that music offers to humans. I cannot begin to comprehensively detail the joys available to us in this arena, but my favorites are Beethoven’s Ninth, the New World Symphony, Joni Mitchell and the early Bob Dylan. I accept that my capacity to fully appreciate the finest in this category is criminally limited, but it will have to do. A human voice intoning a simple melody is delight enough.

Shall I pass on to the culinary? The sense of taste is an area of joyful appreciation. I am totally inadequate in my capacity to offer examples of elevated consideration because of my plebeian knowledge and sophistication. My greatest joys include barbecue chips and spicy hot dogs. My high point is reached by a serving of aglio y olio spaghetti. Nevertheless, you get what I mean when I speak of the joys of the palate. How could I even begin to tell you that story when my favorite food is the humble chicken soup?


I am not one to cater to the human vices, but I do enjoy a glass of wine, and an inch of neat whiskey, preferably a good Scotch. I have experienced a high on pot, but am not able to recommend it as I became ill after indulging in this treat after whisky. Though some seek a variety of such approaches to a higher or lower level of consciousness, I include them here only for the sake of completeness. My preference in the area of mental stimulation lies in the direction of a good book. I am not particularly qualified to be offering suggestions, but the Bible has always been a favorite, along with Shakespeare and some of the other English poets. The joys of the written word have no limits; impossible to detail where I have found my joys in this arena.


We are venturing into the visual. Most of us are blessed with the power of sight and the pleasures available to us in this life through this gift. We take it for granted until we are in danger of losing it. Think of the panorama, imposing structures, Greek temples, flowers, and a loved one’s face. Think of the movies, television, books, the internet and driving a car, bicycle or scooter. Think of a walk in the park! Think what blind people miss!


I’m saving the best for the last.

How about the joys available to us through our interaction with other living creatures? How about our emotional experiences, whether love or hate, anger or gratitude? How about the companionship of those we love and respect? How about our joy in a sense of belonging? How about the fierceness of our loyalties, our anger when we feel betrayed? We feel drunk on our sense of triumph contemplating our victories? When we love someone and that feeling is returned, just a touch is magic. How do we feel when we hold a child in our arms?


Life has the capacity to be beautiful! Take it in both hands and enjoy it!!!!!


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