In The Early Afternoon
What a
beautiful day I have been experiencing today. It is the kind of day we wish
upon all the people we care for. It was in the early afternoon of my current day.
It started off with a sprinkle, and lively winds. But times are more tranquil
now with the sun glimmering through the leaves holding on tenaciously in the
lively breeze. We thought we should indeed go out for a shpatzir, a walk down
to English Bay, and along the Sea Wall,, one of our favorite outings in
We joined
the throng of walkers stretching their legs, watching the tide still coming in
to wash at the foot of the Sea Wall. The air was crisp and calm. The freighters
from far-away places lined the harbor area, near and far, giving the prospect a
taste of the exotic. Where had those vessels come from with their goods, now
empty and waiting to dash off with the loads waiting for them on the quayside? The
trees lining the walkway, now lacking their greenery, bare bones showing,
seemed almost embarrassed at their nakedness. The tree sheltering our own balcony,
still fully green but yielding color toward the russet, is made of sterner
stuff, tenaciously clinging to its leaves. It has sheltered us from the hot sun
and stinging rain all the summer and fall.
We did the
round with many of our striding companions, then turned off to enjoy the
pleasures of the more wooded areas of Stanley Park. We got to rest on a bench
and enjoy the antics of a variety of ducks sporting in the puddles and pools.
We were seated at one of the many benches the Park offers. It was peaceful and
even idyllic. We let the active living things we saw banish the mournful
thoughts we are bearing with us that flow from some of the human actions we have
witnessed in our daily lives.
I have been
struck almost silent by some of those events. As painful have been some of the
lies the enemies of peace and justice spray into the public space. How can the
uninformed possibly appreciate what is at stake when they see thousands in the
streets, here and around the world, with flags and signs. They are demanding,
in effect, the killing of another six million Jews seventy-five years after the
Holocaust? It is deeply disappointing that so many we thought were among our
fellow travelers seem to be standing with the would-be murderers. Many in the
media are offering pretty faces proclaiming the same doctrine. All we have to
offer is the ugly truth that these crowds are calling, yet again, for the murder
of innocents.
We will not
be going to our slaughter like cattle this time. This time we are armed with
more than sticks and stones to defend ourselves. And we expect to win. The people
parading at these events, and others, should consider that they will be the next
to be targeted.
I will end
my day focusing on the setting sun with hope for a new dawn tomorrow. The
struggle for justice must continue.
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