Our World Is A Puzzle!

Today my son came to my rescue. He bailed me out when I had a problem on my computer. I couldn’t access my regular desktop. My desktop holds all my treasures, writings, current and past are stored there. All corners of the universe that I want to access, I do that from my desktop. How could it disappear on me?

It seems I committed the error of not closing my Google window when I use it. The result! I had hundreds of open Google windows and my computer rebelled by, without warning, refusing access to my desktop. Why, I don’t know, but apparently that is a no-no. This was a most unfriendly act. My son, Daniel, bailed me out and I’m not likely to make that mistake again. But I will make plenty of others.

I also have an Apple phone which I use to make telephone calls with. These days one can do so many things with one’s phone. You can do things like check on your health status, find the best way to get somewhere you have not the least idea about, pay your bills, check your home security, you name it! It is all I can do to get it to operate properly to send and receive telephone calls.

Now approaching my ninetieth birthday I cannot present myself as an example as a citizen who is the most up-to-date. I try to keep up with the news, keep in touch with those of my friends who are still alive, surround myself with members of the younger set and family. I can stay awake in a crowd and even engage in conversation. But I must admit I sometimes don’t understand what is going on because the motivations of many are a puzzle.

How can it be that people spout off about things they know are not true? They will admit the truth to you privately. But that doesn’t stop them from publicly maintaining a lie. It seems to me that you couldn’t get away with that in a past that I understood. How could other people support them in that? There must be hidden motives that they don’t admit to. It is not polite to wish that people we don’t like shouldn’t have the vote, get the jobs we want, make the money we are not fortunate enough to earn. What gives us the right to edit the great American dream?

How could deeply religious people support a liar, a philanderer, a cheat, a rapist, a thief, an autocrat, who would turn on them for a dime? He has already given them what they wanted in the short run. Why would they be foolish enough to continue to support him?

What about all those politicians who support that kind of person because he has the support of a third of the voters? Don’t they see that you can’t win with those numbers? And he would turn on you in a minute if he saw an advantage to be had. It just seems so foolish that it is a puzzle.

Somehow I have switched from technology to politics. It is enough to give a person indigestion. But it is all part of the puzzle of our daily lives. We have to cope with all the puzzling things we confront in our daily lives as our minds wander. We were raised in a different time, some of us, but we have to make our way in the one we inhabit.

Today I talked to my daughter, my granddaughter, my grandson, who are situated over three thousand mile away, and I saw them at the same time. I have no idea how I did that, but I did that. I come from an era where we waited ‘til after six so we wouldn’t have to pay long distance charges. Today, I didn’t have to pay a dime for that call except for my monthly telephone bill. That is a puzzle.

I have a friend currently in the hospital, paralyzed on one side of his body. He fell and broke his neck. He is lucky to be alive. I’m glad to say he is improving every day but it will be a long road and he will never live alone again. He is eighty. Last week we had a heavy snowfall here in Vancouver. I went out to my exercise class anyway. I slipped and fell in a puddle going and slipped and fell coming back home. Except for a bruised knee and a sore elbow, I am fine.

Life is a puzzle. Can we ever figure it out?


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