So the weather takes for us a turn,

Weakened sun and much more rain.

The balcony garden increasingly fern,

Flowering plants are on the wane.

Hummingbirds humming round my feeder,

Despairing the loss of richer finds,

Frost and fog, as seasons teeter,

Darkened shadows play with minds.

World events now raise our passions,

Emotions rise to fever pitch,

Millions now on sparer rations,

Poorer now who once were rich.

Hopes of peace have flown away

As martial music fills the air,

Contentment, once in full array,

Hopes no longer ours to share.

Its raining now on our parade,

Prospects flown that seemed so bright,

Evil marching where once we prayed,

Blood the price to save the right

Of children playing safe in sun,

Of people living fuller lives,

Of happy times and fam’ly fun,

Rewards in full for he who strives?

When will come the sun again?

When will come the sun again?


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