What We See Sometimes Depends On What We Believe!

Growing up I remember that we all used the expression that “seeing is believing”. To be sure something was true we wanted to see results in the flesh. It turns out that we were wrong. In fact, what we see, can often depend a lot on what we believe. Recent events have brought that home to us in the most dramatic way. If one wants the world to believe any story you want them to believe, AI, false pictures and a false narrative repeated over and over again, can work. But to do the job properly one has to prepare the ground well in advance.

It is dispiriting to see material in the media with spurious claims against Israel totally ignoring the crimes of Hamas against both Jews and Palestinians. This continuous stream of anti-Israel propaganda may persuade some that there may be a grain of truth in oft-repeated lies. This is obviously a concerted campaign motivated by malicious intent.

By now, the world is well acquainted with what occurred in Israel on October 7th. There was a surprise attack by Hamas from the Gaza strip. About 1200 were killed and over 250 individual were taken back to Gaza as hostages .In US proportional terms it was as if nearly 40,000  people were murdered in one day and 10,000 were kidnapped. The US started a war which lasted twenty years over that provocation. Unsurprisingly Israel declared war on Hamas.

What happened then on the world scene? There were street protests against Israel in cities around the world, violence on the grounds of our most prestigious universities and attacks on Jewish students, and cries of alarm in the US congress.

It turns out that these events were the product of Islamist investment in the West that began even before 9/11 when money really began to pour in to western universities and enterprises. There has been a long term campaign by Islamists in Arab countries to use investment dollars to implant individuals in western institutions who could espouse viewpoints which are friendly to the Arab cause.

They have had decades to do their work. A whole generation of young people has been schooled in a doctrine which is anti-western, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. If that was not enough there are scores of thousands of Arab students completing their education in western universities. They have been taught what to believe. And that is what they see in Gaza, an expression of the lies they have been fed.

Former graduates have been disseminated as supposedly unbiased reporters among the media channels. We know the biased reporters by reputation but they retain their posts. We can hear them dispensing their views on media outlets. And many times those who are interviewed are primarily those who can provide the appropriate views, and their statements are rarely challenged as to real events that are contradictory.

We have seen the results. The victim is being blamed for the damage he has suffered. His efforts to defend himself and to ensure that such events can never occur again, are being condemned. It seems the whole world has forgotten the damage suffered, and is seeking to ensure that the victim’s effort to carry out that task should be blocked.

 In stark contrast with Hamas terrorists who shepherd civilians in to harm’s way, Israel, at its own cost in losses of men and materiel, seeks to protect them from the worst.    

Many journalists in Gaza, where Hamas seeks to control the narrative, are Hamas operatives. Civilian deaths are always horrible. The world average during wars is 9 civilian deaths for each death of an enemy  combatant.. The fact is that in Gaza the ratio has been 1.5 to one because of the measures taken by Israel.

Supposed concern for innocent victims has never attracted the world’s attention when much more bloody events are occurring that don’t involve the Jews.

Thousands are being slaughtered by terrorist regimes today in a number of places. It seems that only when Israel, the Jews, are pursuing a just war, that there are widespread protests and UN activity. The Pope has declared that the action in Gaza is a genocide. He has not said a word about Christians being killed in Arab countries in Africa and Blacks being slaughtered by Arabs daily in the Sudan. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christian numbers are increasing rather than decreasing.

The lies are being nurtured into belief and the masses are being misled. Many of us in the West will be the next targets if these programs of subversion succeed.


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