Lives Matter
Now for
something you never asked for! Something
politically incorrect! At ninety and
with less to lose ….. I’m speaking my mind!
Now, I’ve
said it! I’ve said the thing that many Jews believe in their hearts but will never
say out loud. Most every ethnic group will say the same thing about themselves,
sometimes publicly. Jews don’t express these things out loud, firstly, because
it is not polite, secondly, because we don’t welcome the attention when we are
so often under attack, and, primarily, because we do not publicly want to admit
our belief that our particular group deserves some priority because of our
positive performance.
Of course,
the Black Lives mantra is a reaction to the unjustified treatment Blacks have
been exposed to historically. But isn’t that true for Jews as well? Don’t we
know that Jews are the ones that suffer to the greatest extent from reported
incidents of all kinds of attacks? And that’s not counting all the incidents
that are not labelled for what they really are. And how many Holocausts have
Jews suffered over the centuries of their dispersion? But when was the time
that there were public demonstrations with signs proclaiming Jewish lives
And look
around you! Who does your favorite group of protesters hate the most?
But to the
distress of my Jewish co-religionists, I will go even further. Jewish lives not
only matter, but they matter more. Why? They matter more because, like it or
not, their existence contributes more in total to the public good out of all
proportion, (Jews make up 0.7 per cent of the world population, ) compared with
the contributions of other peoples. Wow! That statement will set the cat loose
among the pigeons!
Through assimilation and forced conversion, (most
Jews converted to Christianity after their dispersion from Israel in ancient
times,) Jews have been integrated into the general population in incalculable
numbers through intermarriage. We could prove that through generalized DNA
testing. We cannot without great effort identify there what contributions Jews
have made to the public good, but, where Jews have retained their identity,
such things can be evaluated with some accuracy.
We need only
examine the rise of known Jews to positions of prominence in the West when they
began to leave the ghettoes as Middle Age restrictions began to disappear. We
have heard stories of Jews rising to positions of importance even in the Middle
East in spite of religious intolerance in that region. We can examine the
public record in America and even in Europe, particularly in pre-Hitler Europe.
It is no secret that even before these times, Jews were valued as immigrants to
help stimulate economic activity in moribund economies.
There are
plenty of nay-sayers, and some of them are Jews.*And rising antisemitism and
Islamic revanchism, (forever retaliating for lost territories,) signal their
own response. (Shall I mention Gaza, where
Hamas kills their own to make a political point. While accusing Jews of
genocide, they hide their activities under hospitals, schools and mosques to
discourage Israel attacks. They steal civilian’s food and accuse Jews of
starving children. They kill those who would tell the truth. But the facts, if
one would listen, speak for themselves. It was the Jews who for generations
supplied the people of Gaza with power, food, water and jobs. (The Hamas answer
was October 7th.)
We can look
around us in North America, where there was less opposition to Jewish
integration than in Europe, and count the record of successful Jews in
business, the sciences, education, medicine and even entertainment. Their
contribution here, as elsewhere, has been out there out of all proportion to
Jewish numbers in the population. In the wider world, the Nobel prizes speak
for themselves. And just remember Jesus, Freud, Einstein, Salk-Sabin and
What shall
we make of what we have seen come out of the national rebirth of a sovereign
Jewish state? Beginning its life almost stillborn as the armies of seven Arab
countries mass-attacked its borders, Israel didn’t have any country rally
round. It stood alone and paid the bloody price of victory. And it more than
tripled its population, taking in Holocaust remnants and homeless refugees, at
great cost, in the midst of its battle for survival.
Casting off
stultifying socialism, and in spite of a strangling bureaucracy, deep divisions
on religious grounds, many of its Arab population opposing its existence,
facing a constant terrorist threat, it
has achieved a per capita domestic product which is among the highest in the
world. Lacking natural resources, it has built its economy on the technological
achievements of its best and brightest. Latterly, it has shown it is a people
that will bitterly fight to retain its democracy, as so many have not.
It invests
the world’s highest percentage of its budget, (lately, except for China,) every
year in research and development. Few countries exceed it in the number of new
patents registered each year. Its research has permitted the crippled to walk,
the deaf to hear and the blind to see. It provides devices that produce water
out of the air for those without water. It has invented devices that conserve water
for dry country irrigation. It produces drinking water from sea water on a
grand scale and exports it to its neighbors. It has learned to recycle water in
the country (seven times) before discarding it.(Fresh water is only a small
fraction of the world’s available water.) There are unheard of innovations in
the medical field that are rescueing the lives of untold numbers of people.
threatened militarily, it has produced effective anti-missile defense systems
for population centers, for airplanes, ships, and for military vehicles. It is
constantly upgrading the quality of its military engines and its intelligence
capabilities. Its company start-ups are launched on the world’s exchanges and are
being purchased by corporate buyers every month. The U.S. invests billions in
its technology and receives many times its investment back as savings to the
U.S. taxpayer every year. And one thing more! There is something that those who
might want to attack Jews should know. The world has changed, and such attackers
will pay a bitter price for such actions, wherever they are!
We do not
know exactly what it is that is the origin of this comparative out-performance.
Maybe there is an element of survival of the fittest at work. Maybe it is the
cultural imperative to strive for educational attainment (present in most
Jewish families,) that yields benefits. Maybe it comes from centuries of belief
in a common destiny that has driven Jews to a sense of responsibility for the
well-being of their fellows. That has metamorphosed into an interest in service
to humanity as a whole on the part of many Jews in the health sciences. Maybe
it is the tradition of persistence in the face of obstacles knowing that we
often have not had a choice but to keep trying when we faced obstacles to our
survival? Who knows?
What I do believe
is that humanity can benefit from a precious resource for the world’s common
good, the existence of the Jews. Doesn’t logic dictate that one wants more of
what produces positives? It has been interesting to note that a number of Arab
countries, formerly sworn enemies, have signed the Abraham Accords so they can
draw some of the benefits available from this resource. Others are lining up.
Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
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