Complaints, Complaints!

I am of a generally positive frame of mind, with a cheery outlook on life. Like most of you, I like our times together with others to be happy ones, or, at least, pleasant. In spite of this, my blushing Bride of many years accuses me of being “picky”, of being a “brat”.

I think it is important that we try and live in a positive environment. Psychologists advise us to avoid those who might be among us who are likely to spread drear and fear. Life’s too short, right! Laugh it up if you can!

I have been giving the matter some serious thought. Do I want the prevailing image of me held by other people to be one that I am “difficult”? Do I have to change my behavior? Hey, this is important stuff! The whole of our social lives may be hanging in the balance! What’s this about me being a “brat” and “picky”? Often, this issue has revolved around food. But, sometime it has been about my choosiness in developing relationships with people.

Am I just talking about myself, or am I striking a responsive chord with some of you out there in “Never-never-land”? Surely there are plenty of you out there with similar thoughts, facing kickback when you express reservations about things you face in your lives, people you have to deal with. Shut up and swallow the nasty stuff and don’t make a fuss, they say! Or, stand on principle! What is it to be? Hey, mostly that’s been the story of our lives, we suck it up, and move on!

This question has wider implications when confronting the larger issues. Don’t we often keep our heads down, minding our own business, ignoring the controversies raging on around us? We sometimes need the example of others before we rouse ourselves and begin to react to issues touching our own long term interests. Sometimes we have to see crowds in the streets before we wake up, wave our hands and move our feet. There is a lot of inertia to shake off before we reach that stage. The tendency to leave it to the other guy is very strong. That may be why the percentage of people voting in elections is so low.

Some issues do arouse my passions. When my issues arise, I am glued to the media. I shake my head, talk to myself and write to others. But my issues are not the issues of others, just as their issues are not mine. We rarely get together without a catalyst to unite us. And with all the spin and trolls on the internet, we have to be cautious as to where we get our information. This can be a minefield. On the other hand, don’t we often tend to choose from news sources those that correspond most closely with our biases? Are we really open to contrarian views?

It’s hard to get a movement going. But, if one feels strongly enough about the issues keeping us awake, we are sometimes driven to gather a crowd around us if we can. Suddenly, we are politicians, and we hate ourselves.

But there is much yet to be said about being “picky”!

I have decided to give myself wide latitude in this area, at least to the extent that I do not try my Bride’s patience too much. My argument takes account of the brevity of our vista. As I have said, life’s too short! My argument is founded on the reality that my current age has far surpassed that of my father’s, and is approaching the age of my mother at her demise.

Bear with me, I say, my hands trembling, looking up with imploring eyes! I have only a few more precious days left. Only the very best in everything will do during the last few precious moments of my precarious existence. Don’t I (we) deserve the very best of everything? (Picture blinking looks of desperation!)

So I want the things I ingest to be the very best I can imagine. I want the words and ideas, even the silences, I exchange with others, to be the most uplifting. I want to surround myself with the most stimulating people and to deserve being among them. We go for broke to enhance our last few moments.

Am I exaggerating? Maybe, just a teensy-weensy bit. You get the idea, though. One doesn’t have to be at death’s door to decline the mediocre.

So what if I am picky! After all, and I think we have agreed, life is too short!



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